AUSXIP Spartacus News


        28 May 2009

Spartacus Comic News

Jimmy Palmiotti talks to Pink Raygun's Rachel Pandich about the new Power Girl comic series on the site and was also asked about the Spartacus: Blood and Sand comic.

RP: You are going to be working on Spartacus: Blood and Sand soon with R.H. Stavis and Josh Blaylock. Can you tell us a little bit about this new series?

JP: Well, I am very happy to be working with R.H. on this project since I hear nothing but good things about her and her work and what I can say at the moment is that I will be working on a single-issue story under her guidance and it is based on the Starz series that looks to be a pretty cool project. I am flattered to be asked to do this project and with Josh and I currently working on Vampire Hunter D at the moment, I guess it was a natural that he included me with the line up. I really do enjoy working on all kinds of genre projects, so the idea of writing about gladiators is something new for me.

Read full interview