AUSXIP Spartacus News


        28 March 2010

Spartacus E11 Old Wounds Promo Video - SPOILERS


Spartacus S1 E11 Old Wounds

Spartacus struggles with a fellow gladiator's death. The Magistrate is declared missing as Batiatus and Numerius begin the search for him.

Watch Video

Some thoughts on the video - SPOILERS

- How incredibly difficult would it be for Sparty to take Varro's body back to his wife? Wow.

- Looks like Spartacus is having Sura flashbacks again

- The magistrate is going to feel the weight of Batiatus' boot...who is back to being ruthless and not idiotic like the previous episode.

- Looks like the guy that is on the other end of Sparty's rage is Ashur (from slowing down the video and watching frame by frame) and Ashur is also going to cop it from Batiatus. I could be wrong and it could be wishful thinking. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Looks like another fantastic episode!