AUSXIP Spartacus News


        21 July 2010

Interview with Marisa Ramirez - Lucretia's Body Slave on GotA

Thumbnail image for marisa_ramirez-150x150.jpgJim Halterman has interviewed Marisa Ramirez, one of the new actors for Spartacus: Gods of the Arena. Her role is that of Lucretia's Body slave and her name is Melitta.

JH: What can you tell me about Melitta? Is she good? Bad?

MR: What I've been told is that Melitta is a body slave to Lucretia, who is Lucy Lawless's character. I don't know what a body slave is but I'm going to find out! Melitta is married and has complicated relationships with other men and that's pretty much all I've been told. I only have the first script so far.

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