AUSXIP Spartacus News


        19 February 2012

AUSXIP Interviews Campbell Cooley - Actor, Voice Over Artist and Director; Multi-Talented Man

ImageAUSXIP Interviews Campbell Cooley
Actor, Voice Over Artist and Director; Multi-Talented Man With An Incredible Dedication To His Craft

Interviewed by MaryD
19 February 2012

For many a Xena fan, Campbell Cooley was a very familiar face and he will always be known as the poor soul (or not so poor) who got drooled upon by Renee O'Connor (Gabrielle). There is more to Campbell Cooley than that drool scene and many other scenes on Xena, Spartacus and numerous other shows. AUSXIP Interviewed Campbell back in 1998 so it's been a long time (and quite neglectful) since we had a chat on AUSXIP to this very talented man and dear friend to myself and AUSXIP. Campbell recently got one of his acting wishes fulfilled by starring opposite Peter Mensah in Spartacus Vengeance. Sit back and enjoy this fascinating interview and learn more about Campbell, actor, voice Over Artist and director; a multi-talented man with an incredible dedication to his craft.

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