AUSXIP Spartacus News


        2 February 2012

Manu Bennett sounds the charge for all to watch 'Spartacus: Vengeance' now

ImageDiscussing survival is no small topic for actor Manu Bennett. As one of the breakout stars from the hit Spartacus series, the Maori-born Bennett found much in common with his gladiator alter ego, Crixus. His story is also one of the Warrior, determined to perfect his physical self in a focused bid to overcome life’s challenges. Find out more in a truly personal chat with Bennett as he discusses the parallels of his real life to be found in his work as the battle scarred champion of Blood and Sand,and Gods of the Arena and the new Vengeance. And, as a bonus, watch the series premiere of Vengeance on show's website before its Starz premiere tonight.

It is fitting that an actor playing a gladiator would be someone who would fearlessly offer his purest self in an interview setting. But, that was the case with New Zealand-born star Manu Bennett. As one of the brawny champions of the smash hit Spartacus series, Bennett has no problem with the heavy lifting required for his role as Crixus, an embattled champion seeking freedom. Yet, reasons exist as to why he has chosen to bulk up, and not just to offer the eye candy that has become the show’s trademark.

"I lost my mother and my brother when I was 15 in two separate car accidents," Bennett revealed. "I was doing well at school. I was a good sportsperson, but at that point, I gave up on all of those things that were there to be done. I couldn't deal with them."

It is disarming just how matter of fact Bennett offered up this very personal detail about his youth. And, he did not retreat from explaining how he ventured into the arts by willing himself into becoming a veritable renaissance youth.

"I dealt with my condition by acting it out," Bennett continued, "by going onto the dance floor, by playing piano. I got into a lot of the artistic expressions to try to deal with that angst. I'm sure that to some degree, the heart and the passion and the sorrow and the anger that's in Crixus is still part of me as that person."

Click here for full interview