AUSXIP Spartacus News


        10 February 2012

Spartacus Season 2 Episode 3 The Greater Good Epsiode Previews

Spartacus S2 E3 To Feel A Child Grow Within You
Posted on: 10th February 2012

Spartacus S2 E3 To Feel A Child Grow Within You

Ilithyia, Seppia and Lucretia discuss Ilithyia’s unborn child. Spartacus must navigate a divide that opens up among the gladiators after news of Naevia’s fate. Lucretia reveals a long-held secret to gain information, and an attack puts the rebels at risk Airdate: 02-10-2012

Spartacus S2 E3 “Yet Our Fire Still Burns”
Posted on: 10th February 2012

Spartacus S2 E3 “Yet Our Fire Still Burns”

Spartacus must navigate a divide that opens up among the gladiators after news of Naevia’s fate. Lucretia reveals a long-held secret to gain information, and an attack puts the rebels at risk Airdate: 02-10-2012