Starz Digital Media also revealed plans to jointly develop the official "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" mobile game designed for iPhone and iPod touch with Artificial Life, Inc (OTCBulletinBoard: ALIF). The games will utilize the touch screens and motion sensitive features of the popular mobile devices and bring to life the action, violence and sex soon to be seen in the series.
Also, in association with Double Barrel Motion Labs, Starz Digital Media will bring to market a four-part "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" motion comic series. These action-packed videos will feature gladiators battling for eternal glory in a gore fest derived from Devil's Due Publishing (DDP)'s official upcoming "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" comic book mini-series, to which DeKnight contributed. "Spartacus: Upon The Sands of Vengeance" is the first in the four-part comic book mini-series. A sneak preview of the "Spartacus: Upon the Sands of Vengeance" motion comic episode will be available after the "Spartacus" Comic-Con panel at www.starz.com/spartacus.
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