Tonight is the season finale on GO! I posted the news about the back to back episodes on 20 October which will end Season 1 in Australia. Tune in tonight for Revelations and Kill Them All!

For those of you following the edited series on GO! and if you haven't seen Episode 13 "Kill Them All" may I suggest you buy / rent / borrow the DVD or Blu-Ray and see Kill Them All in all it's glory. You won't see the sheer genius of this episode in an edited format. It's just not possible.
Episode 9 suffered greatly from being edited so much (I won't even go into the scene with Ilithyia going mental on Licinia that was heavily edited losing 100% of it's impact).
If they edit out the shield tap and jump it would be absolutely unbelievable. That shield tap and jump has to be one of the most beautifully choreographed stunts I've seen on TV. Just brilliant. Let's hope Aussie get to see it.
Tune into Revelation and Kill Them All next Wednesday. I'll be reviewing the edited version of Kill Them All.